Monday 14 November 2016

Vegan Tahini Fudge

Yesterday the wonderful Chloe Watts (AKA My Happy Body) and I ran another very lovely Day of Happiness. We laughed, we cried, we yoga-ed, we gong-ed, we wrote, we ate! And it seems our food is proving to be almost as popular as our yoga & gong baths! Our food yesterday took on a Moroccan theme (for no other reason than Moroccan food is delicious!), with a vegetable tagine as our lunchtime meal and vegan tahini fudge as our afternoon treat. The tagine recipe I'll save for another time, but the tahini fudge is one I can't keep to myself any longer! We used the Hemsley + Hemsley cookbook for the recipe - it is ridiculously simple and quick to make.


Half a cup of pitted, soft dates
110g of light Tahini paste
2 tablespoons of slightly softened coconut oil (but not melted)
Sea salt flakes
Sesame seeds
Desiccated coconut


1. Blend the dates, Tahini, softened coconut oil and sea salt flakes in a NutriBullet (or similar mechanism)
2. Scoop this blend into a flat dish, and smooth / gently press with a spatula
3. Thinly slice 2-3 dates and lay neatly onto of the smoothed blend. Finish by sprinkling with sesame seeds & desiccated coconut.
4. Place in freezer for at least half an hour. It can then be kept in the fridge.
5. Cut into fudge shape pieces and enjoy a delicious treat!

This is such a simple, delicious and nutritious treat choice - it's perfect if you want something a little sweet that isn't too naughty. When it gets soft I think it tastes a little like cookie dough!

Please do let me know if you give it a go - I'd love to hear what you think!

Sending love & light,

L x

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